If you now sell the sink for $12 your town value goes back down by $12. Here's an example: If you buy a retro sink for $150 your town value goes up by $12 - this is the resale value of the sink. This happens with or without doing this glitch. *Please Note!* When you sell an item in The Sims Freeplay, your Town Value goes down.

You can see at 3:48 I have come all the way out. Update 11/11: This does not appear to work on tablet versions of the game so please follow my tablet video here: Note at 3:43 when you press the Green arrow and before repeating the steps, you need to come out of the of the Home Store completely and go back in. Note I have a newer version of this video which hopefully makes things easier to follow: ðð Please like and Subscribe to my channel if this video helped you out! ðð The Sims Freeplay Cheats - This cheat will give you unlimited Simoleons! Trust me, this works with no human verification required! It's actually a glitch/hack and this should give you the more Simoleons than other videos due to the technique I use. The Sims FreePlay Hack - Unlimited Simoleons and Life Points